冷 凍 系 統 包 括:組 合 式 大 型 冷倉(政 府 認可牌照)、冷凍庫、凍房、紅酒倉、冷藏設備等。憑 著 多 年 經 驗,提 供 優 質、安 全 可 靠 之 工 程 及 安 裝 服 務
商業 / 建築及建造添安冷凍工程有限公司

專業誠信 特快維修 手機爆屏 MacBook NoteBook 電腦維修 灣仔門市 imac macbook air 升級 備份 換零件 retina touch bar mac pro care

商業 / 建築及建造水盈貿易有限公司 Water Pro Supply Limited

1 month old, used 5 times, under warranty, pickup from Tuen Mun

A website design company where we transform your idea into reality with our creative and innovative ideas.
C設計 / 網頁設計Creative E World


W商業 / 速遞We The Best Transport Company Limited (We het beste transport bedrijf)

Meta On-line Limited – an Innovative and sound IT solutions provider whose goal is to address the needs and challenges of SME. Our purpose is to help our customer run their business more effect
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫綽邦系統有限公司

Founded in 1994, SynTech Computer Limited is a total computer solutions company. Providing a wide range of computer and networking solutions and products, software development and implementation, as
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫先城電腦有限公司

PCL is a one-stop-shop for all your computer technology needs. This includes the computer system, repair, maintenance and support, hardware and software, tailored made IT solutions, and creating your
P手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Pine Computing Company

現金收車,不論好壞。請whatsapp 98133896

心心水業集團是香港唯一一家公司,同時提供3種不同飲用水﹝蒸餾水、純淨水、加礦水﹞ 。我們同時有一系列的飲水機及飲用水機配件以供客戶選擇,亦提供水機清洗維修保養服務,全面覆蓋客戶於樽裝水系統上所需。
t商業 / 節目及活動tiptopwater

眾籌現已開始,期間限定:加盟 己盛「共享創富」夥伴計劃,只要HKD 5,000 元,包括兩年會籍,二十套企業級應用系統,1,000 個 seat licenses 和 四套 IT 課程等提供給夥伴會員自主銷售。己盛助您開啟 IT 創業路!

Your children will experience the power of creative expression and problem-solving while building their self-confidence and exploring their interests, all in a fun and supportive environment.
教學進修 / 兒童興趣班Creative Courses for Curious Kids
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